Execution of HVAC 2019
We executed CTA installations, ventilation installations, process humidification and dehumidification installations.
Design and execution of HVAC 2019
We designed and executed the installations of CTAs of 300,000 cubic m and piping totaling 1200 ml in the Exhaust Hall.
Design and execution of HVAC, PSI and Security 2019
We designed and executed the air conditioning and ventilation installations with CTAs and fan coil units, hydrant installations, fire detection and alarm installations and CCTV security installations.
Execution of HVAC installations 2019
We carried out the remodeling of the air conditioning installations with lithium bromide (LiBr) absorption chiller.
Design and execution of HVAC 2009
We designed and executed the chiller and air heater cooling installations, the warehouses and the cold rooms. All installations have been designed to operate with maximum energy efficiency, with ecological refrigerant R717 (Ammonia) and with heat recovery from condensation. It was the largest cold store built at that time, with a height of 17m.
Execution of HVAC installations 2015-2018
We executed the air conditioning installations with CTAs of 50,000 cubic m and we installed rooftops with gas and freon actuation.
Design and execution of HVAC installations 2019-2020
We designed and executed HVAC installations.
Execution of HVAC installations 2018-2019
We executed the installation of heat pumps on the water loop in the Mall Promenada Sibiu shopping center.
Execution of HVAC installations 2018-2019
We performed the remodeling of the air conditioning installations with chillers, CTAs and fan coils.
Execution of HVAC and Fire Protection installations 2018
We executed the remodeling of the air conditioning installations with chiller and air heaters and the fire extinguishing installations within the Sibiu International Airport.
Execution of HVAC installations 2014
We executed the air conditioning installations within the Alba Iulia Shopping Center.
Execution of HVAC installations 2017
We executed the air conditioning installations within the ZENTIVA drug factory.
Execution of HVAC installations 2015-2019
We executed the air conditioning installations within the Robert BOSCH factory.
Design and execution of HVAC installations 2014
We designed and executed the air conditioning installations with textile piping within the MONDEX factory.
Design and execution of HVAC installations and installation maintenance 2017
We designed and executed HVAC installations and provided installation maintenance services in several JUMBO stores.
Design and execution of HVAC installations 2015
We executed the air filtration and treatment installation for “clean room” class 100 according to the quality standard FS 209.
Execution of HVAC installations 2017
We performed the remodeling of the air conditioning installations with chiller and air heaters.
Execution of HVAC and Technological Installations 2016
We performed the remodeling of the cooling and process installations (plastic injection machines) with chillers, CTAs and air heaters.
Execution of HVAC installations 2016
We executed the air conditioning installation with chiller and air heaters.
Execution of HVAC installations 2010
We executed the cooling and air conditioning installations with the refrigeration plant and air heaters.
Execution of HVAC installations 2017
We performed the remodeling of the air conditioning installations with CTAs and fan coils.
Design and execution of HVAC installations 2012-2013
We designed and executed the water cooling installations with freon chiller, fan coil units, radiators and we installed a 750kw Buderus boiler.