Environmental, health and safety policy at work
We consider safety and health at work as our most important priority, carrying out our activity based on the vision of “no accidents at work" and we make every effort to minimize the impact on the environment through an eco-friendly approach.
To achieve our objectives and vision, we are committed to considering all the requirements of customers, communities and other stakeholders, implementing the provisions of existing legislation, existing harmonized standards, EU rules, as well as the requirements, policies and internal directives of the company.
We implement OSH standards, define organizational responsibilities, provide the necessary resources and support in order to manage OSH performance and to minimize OSH risks for employees, customers, collaborators, visitors and the community. We give priority to occupational safety and health in all business decisions, as an integral part of our daily work.
We continuously measure, monitor, evaluate and improve environmental and OSH performance in order to have a positive contribution to society and to nature conservation.
In order to comply with these principles, we have implemented, maintained and continuously improved the efficient integrated management system in accordance with the applicable reference documents: ISO 14001 and BH OHSAS 18001.