Consulting and expertise in installations
The first step of any successful project is to study the idea and build a suitable strategy. Our specialists have expertise for any type of approach, financial, economic or technical. E.E.B.C. engineers, consultants and experts, are among the best trained professionals in Romania, and our partners benefit from their contribution. The concepts are analyzed and processed to provide the necessary solutions for a feasible and well-executed project in the shortest amount of time.
Installations consulting services:
Feasibility study consultancy for installations;
Technical and economic substantiation consultancy for investment in installations;
Consultancy for selecting the optimal solution for installation systems;
Installation technical design consultancy;
Consultancy for the preparation of technical documentation for installations;
Consultation of tender specifications and technical specifications regarding the installations;
Consultancy regarding the comparative analysis of offers and technical solutions;
Consultancy on renewable energy sources through green energy systems;
Consultancy regarding the processes of revision, service and maintenance of installations;
Financial advice for projects with European funds.
Technical expertise:
The service of technical expertise in installations for the knowledge of the technical state of the existing installations or of the way in which a project respects the legal requirements, supposes a complex professional activity that includes: research, study, surveys, analyzes and evaluations. At the end, a complete and authorized file is set up to proceed to the next stage of execution.